Sunday, 7 April 2013

New Scheme Air Malta & Another Special EasyJet!

On the 6th & 7th April 2013 I decided to make a visit to Manchester as the new scheme Air Malta Airbus A319 was in on a stunning evening on the 6th. I also managed to catch one of the special Unicef EasyJet Airbus A319's on the 7th, which had been based at MAN for a number of days, here are the photos...

9H-AEG - Air Malta - Airbus A319 - New Scheme

G-EZIO - EasyJet - Airbus A319 - Special Unicef Colours

Virgin Little Red, EasyJet Specials & Other Interesting Movements at Manchester!

On the 1st April 2013, there were a number of interesting movements at Manchester, including the Virgin Atlantic Little Red Airbus A320!

05/03/2013 - Football Charters & More!

On the 5th March 2013 there were a number of interesting movements at Manchester on what was a stunning day, including football charters bringing in fans for Manchester United v Real Madrid in the Champions League in the evening! Here are the results...

Recent Visits at Manchester!

Here are some of the recent interesting visits at Manchester over the past few weeks...

Monday, 3 December 2012

Lufthansa Specials!

On the 2nd December, I decided to take a trip down to Manchester to catch the Lufthansa Retro, which is a rare sight at Manchester. Whilst waiting for the retro, the Lufthansa Star Alliance Airbus A321 arrived which was a great unexpected surprise! The weather wasn't great, but here are the photos...

D-AIRW - Lufthansa - Airbus A321 - Star Alliance Colours

D-AIRX - Lufthansa - Airbus A321 - Retro Jet

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Stunning Weather & an Antonov AN-124 at Manchester!

On the 18th November, a morning was spent at Manchester due to the stunning weather & because a Volga Dnepr Antonov AN-124 was due out! Here are some of the photos...

9V-SWD - Singapore Airlines - Boeing 777-300ER

G-FDZD - Thomson Airways - Boeing 737-800 - New Scheme

N14120 - United Airlines - Boeing 757-200 - Star Alliance Colours

RA-82079 - Volga Dnepr - Antonov AN-124 - 20th Anniversary Titles

RA-82079 - Volga Dnepr - Antonov AN-124 - 20th Anniversary Titles

TS-INB - Nouvelair - Airbus A320

Saturday, 24 November 2012

23L Departures at MAN!

On the 10th November, I took another trip to the South Side mound where I was able to see some interesting movements departing on Runways 23L & 23R, including the other Singapore Star Alliance Boeing 777-300ER & one of the new metallic painted Virgin Atlantic Airbus A330-300's!

9V-SWI - Singapore Airlines - Boeing 777-300ER - Star Alliance Colours

EI-DLN - Ryanair - Boeing 737-800 - 'Bye Bye Baby' Titles

G-MONX - Monarch - Airbus A320 - Billboard Titles

G-VINE - Virgin Atlantic - Airbus A330-300 - Metallic Paint

N1501P - Delta Airlines - Boeing 767-300ER